And more, much more than this, I did it Github way
15 Mar 2017 | github opensource toolsI’ve been meaning to write this post since I started this blog. I’ve been using github for a lot of things recently, and suddenly I’ve come to realization that My way is Github way.
1. Showcasing your technical prowess
It is not enough that github just hosts my side projects, but it also a marker of my progress. Writing production or maintainable code is something that I’ve been trying and recently and my two projects reflects different phases of my knowledge. Python Sitemap generator and Reverse Bus proxy are pieces where I’ve been practicing this art.
Further more, I am getting my code reviewed by my peers, and as a learning tool, I’m already sold on github.
2. Showcasing your character to the world
Github has made it very easy to showcase my thoughts, my interpretations and blogs on github-pages. I proudly host my site on github, and version controlled way to write is truly amazing. I feel more powerful with this, and truly focus on writing quality material in simple markdown format.
I set up very simple blog via forking Coding fox’s template, and wrote my first blog in just 10 minutes. Although, I’ve been updating the site to match my eccentricities and taste bit by bit. And if you are reading this, you are already on my github powered blog.
I guess, many people already know this fact. But I like this approach, because all of my work is open to all, and I can get started on developing in collaborative way. And just for this, I’m integrating github issue based collaboration button on my website in sidebar. Although, it defies the usability, as you need github account to put new issue and also why one want to do issue on website.
But none the less, I would like to try this approach for website development. You can ask me what to write, do detailed analysis of some piece of technology and what not. I would love to talk with you.
P.S: I am also using disqus comments, because it does not defy a lot of usability
3. Gists, Indexes and Awesome-Awesome
I’ve not written a lot of programming gists, but they are excellent tools to showcase smaller work. I’ve recently been following this Pocket alternative approach to maintaining interesting things that you see, also called as sindresorhus/awesome. Below are my favorite awesome indexes that I follow, and one awesome index that I’m building.
Well, a worth of network is only when it has a lot of participants. And believe me that this network is gold, and there is less clutter as you decide what content you want. Such autonomy should be revered in this age of distraction and toil.
Well, my verdict is that I’ve been loving github more and more as a tool, as a social network, as a way to experiment and build my technical aspirations