A λ's Journey To π Exploring finite axioms for the infinite world.

Duck interfaces of Python


Let’s look at this piece of code:

We all know that python has lists, tuples, dictionaries etc. where you can do array like operations like checking out length, setting or getting indexes, or iterating them in a loop. With above code, we have basically made our hello function behave like one of those collections.

>>> a = hello(); 
>>> a # tells us about representation form of this object 
>>> len(a); 
>>> print(a);
>>> a[3]; 
>>> for i in a:
...	print i; 

This all happened because python follows duck typing approach, where you do not check on type but fuctionality of an object at run time. In words of Alex Martelli

Don’t check whether it IS-a duck: check whether it QUACKS-like-a duck, WALKS-like-a duck, etc.

In normal typing method, an object suitability is determined by an object’s type only whereas in duck typing, suitability is determined by presence of these methods/properties.

Have you ever wondered, when you run a python program, and it runs fine unless it goes to a certain faulty function in its execution work flow. That happens because python only interprets a part of type’s structure that is accessed during runtime.

It is a powerful feature of python, and lets you help writing a more readable python code. Some people may call it magical methods and some may call it Dynamic binding too.